
This website is a service dedicated to and offered by the Echtzeitmusik scene in Berlin. The site is currently maintained by a collective group of seven volunteers.


The term 'Echtzeitmusik' was first introduced in the mid-1990s in order to distinguish the musical practices of a younger Berlin scene from music referred to as 'Improvised Music', 'Free Jazz', 'New Music', 'Experimental Music' and so on.

The website echtzeitmusik.de was launched in 2001 by Gregor Hotz and Kai Fagaschinski to announce concerts at Labor Sonor, the discontinued Raumschiff Zitrone, and the venue ausland (Prenzlauer Berg) and it's biegungen series.


The scene is constantly growing, organizing and defining itself, and offering a huge variety of concerts every day of the year. The calendar offers related events and other improvised and experimental music concerts in many venues all over Berlin.

Posting events in the calendar

If you are organizing concerts yourself and you want them to be announced in the calendar please follow these guidelines:

  • Send all information regarding your event in the e-mail text (no attachments):
    WHEN (date and time)
    WHERE (name of venue, address)
    WHO (musisicans names, optional: a title / pieces performed)
  • We only publish short text (usually 2 or 3 sentences) as additional information (so no long press releases)
  • We don't publish photos

Please keep in mind that this is a voluntary service - often things get posted quickly, but sometimes it can take a few days. Please send us your events well in advance to make sure they're listed.

Contact us at: kontaktspam[@]echtzeitmusik[.]de