labor sonor is a series of concerts, performances and video organized once a month, curated by Fernanda Farah, Christian Kesten, Andrea Neumann and Arthur Rother in a small venue called KuLe in the center of Berlin.

labor sonor has become a meeting point for the vibrant and innovative new music community in Berlin. It is one of the platforms for the echtzeitmusik-scene. echtzeitmusik means the field of ´experimental´ music bordering new music, performance art, electro-acoustic improvisation, or even pop. The members of the echtzeitmusik-scene perform their own music, rather than interpreting the music of other composers or composing for others. These composer-performers work solo or in collective processes, mostly in long term collaborations, but also in ad hoc formations. Characteristic for echtzeitmusik is the sound research of each composer-performer with very individual developments in material and instruments. This focus results often in a certain ´reduction´ either in sound, volume or structure, or in an interest in specific concepts.

There are three sets on one night, each playing or performing for about 20 minutes.
The shows are always on Mondays.

If you want to perform at labor sonor or get some further information, please send an e-mail to:
Please note that we have very limited programming and therefore cannot consider all proposals.

Check out some video-clips > about labor sonor.

Labor Sonor has its own website >

This list (on labor sonor´s old website) contains the names of the people who have performed at labor sonor between 2000–2005.
How to get to laborsonor:
Oranienburger Tor
Oranienburger Strasse

it´s about a seven-minute walk from Hackescher Markt to KuLe

Auguststraße 10
10117 Berlin

the doors open at 20:30
the show starts at 21:00


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ausland is an event and production venue for music, film, literature, dance and performance and sound installations.

ausland hosts events, rehearsals, recordings, workshops, residencies and other artistic projects.

Independent of commercial interests, hypes or trends, we organise and support artistic projects in a variety of formats. Our program is curated partly by the ausland team and partly in collaboration with local organisers, artists and institutions.

ausland opened in December 2002 in the basement of the former squatted house project Lychi 60 and is still an independent venue run by a group of curators, artists, administrators, technicians, culture lovers and DIY enthusiasts, supported by a non-profit association.

We aim for a diverse and inclusive program, a space where respect, attention and consideration define the athmosphere.

For both internal and external organised events ausland requires a minimum gender balance, with a 50% or more FLINTA involvement, both on - and backstage. Going over that mandatory minimum is strongly encouraged.

Lychener Straße 60
10437 Berlin

the doors open at varying time, usually around 20:00 or 20:30
the cover is usually 10€
ausland accessibility information:


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Schlesische Straße 42
10997 Berlin


> website

Salon Bruit
Salon Bruit is a Berlin based non-commercial meeting point both for audience and composers interested in experimental electronic, electro-acoustic and improvised music and noise. It is also an open stage for the presentation of experimental video works, installations and interesting (audio/visual/electronic) workshops.

This has been achieved in many different locations over the years, but since 2004 Kastanien Allee 77 has been the favoured space for live events.

The room has 35 seats, the stage is quite small (1,8 * 1,8 meters), but has a very nice and concentrated atmosphere. Concerts are usually on Fridays. It´s best to check the website for exact details.

There is usually a mixture of local and visiting artists playing on the one night. Most of this is documented and some of it played locally on air when the occasion arises. Current Radio shows on PiRadio, a project organised by people who want a Free Radio in Berlin.


the doors open at 22:00
the show starts at 23:00
the cover is usually 3€


> website

ohrenhoch der Geräuschladen

ohrenhoch der Geräuschladen is a sound gallery with an alcohol free minibar and a school for children and young persons for electroacoustic music, sonic art, acousmatics, sounddesign, radio play, computer music, soundscape, soundwalk and sound installation.

ohrenhoch exists since february 2008 and presents works of national and international artists every sunday between 2 and 9 pm.
Each work is presented on two consecutive sundays.

ohrenhoch - the works/pieces are played in loop-mode on a specially designed speaker installation.

ohrenhoch holds exhibitions of: sketches, diagrams, objects and scores.

ohrenhoch offers a platform for performances, multimedia installations, lectures and readings.
The condition is that the materials, for example the electronics, must fit inside a handbag measuring 9 x 5 x 2 inch.

ohrenhoch is a school with courses and workshops for the comprehension and the handling of electroacoustic music, radio play and sound installations:
For children and young persons - 6/14 year olds.
Director: Knut Remond

ohrenhoch is also a place for short spontaneous events.

ohrenhoch is also interested in selective cooperations with different organisers of current contemporary avant-garde, in order to co-organise exceptional projects -
and vice versa.

ohrenhoch is also in the process of installing a sound archieve which can be accessed via the internet.
How to get to ohrenhoch:
U7: Rathaus Neukölln
Bus M41: Fuldastrasse

Weichselstraße 49
12045 Berlin

open every Sunday
2 pm - 9 pm


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Über uns:

Seit April 2006 sind die Gelegenheiten in den Räumen einer ehemaligen Fleischerei Neuköllns zuhause. Wir veranstalten Konzerte, Filmreihen, Ausstellungen, Lesungen, Fotoworkshops, Informationsveranstaltungen etc. Bilder unserer Räume findet ihr auf facebook.

Wir sind ein eingetragener Verein und nicht kommerziell organisiert. Die Teilnahme an sämtlichen Veranstaltungen ist kostenlos.

Öffnungszeiten: Fr. + Sa. ab 20:00 Uhr

Informationen für Musiker und andere Künstlerinnen:

Wir freuen uns immer über Anfragen, können aber nur sehr selten kurzfristige Termine zusagen. Gage können wir leider nicht zahlen, sammeln aber im Publikum nach den Veranstaltungen Spenden. Nicht möglich sind bei uns „laute“ Konzerte, darunter fallen bestimmte Instrumente wie z.B. Schlagzeug, Saxophon usw., ähnliches gilt für Gitarrenverstärker. Und ganz wichtig: Alle Konzerte müssen um 22:00 Uhr beendet sein. Wirklich.


Wir vergeben unsere Räume nach höchst subjektivem Ermessen unter bestimmten Umständen auch an externe Gruppen. Die Leihgebühr ist dabei abhängig von unterschiedlichen Faktoren und nicht pauschal.

Grundsätzlich gilt hier: Wir bieten unsere Räume nicht für Parties oder ähnlich laute Veranstaltungen an und alle Anfragen werden erst nach Rücksprache im Plenum verbindlich beantwortet. Das bedeutet, dass bis zu zwei Wochen vergehen können, bevor wir zu- oder absagen.

Für weitere Informationen schreibt uns an oder wendet euch an die Thekenkraft vom Dienst.

About us:

Since April 2006, Gelegenheiten reside in a former butchers shop in Neukölln. We organise concerts, film series, art exhibitions, public readings, photographic workshops and other kinds of cultural/social events. You can find some pictures of our venue on facebook.

We are a registered non-profit organisation and all our events are for free.

Opening hours: Fri. + Sat. from 8 p.m.

Informations for musicians/artists:

We are glad if you are interested in playing/performing at our venue. Unfortunately, we can almost never accept dates on short notice. We can not pay you for your performance; however, we always pass a hat around in the audience after the concert. We are unable to give space to “loud” bands, which also applies to certain instruments (drums, brass instruments, a too loud guitar amplifier …). Very important: The concerts have to be over by 22:00. And we really mean it.
How to get to Gelegenheiten:
U7 Rathaus Neukölln, M41 Fuldastraße

Weserstraße 50/ Ecke Elbe
12045 Berlin Neukölln



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Jazzkeller 69
Jazzkeller 69 e.V. was founded in October 1991. The start organising concerts in the basment at the cultural center Treptow as „Jazzaktiv“ in 1969.

The intention of Jazzkeller 69 e.V. is to present lively, dedicated jazz music, especially in the field of improvised music. Border crossings to other genres are welcome.

Since Jazzkeller 69 does not have a fixed place, concerts are organized at:

Oranienburger Str. 67

Jazz am Kaisersteg
Hasselwerderstr.22a, 12439 Berlin-Schöneweide

Oranienburger Straße 67
10117 Berlin


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O Tannenbaum

Hermannstraße 232
12049 Berlin

exploratorium berlin
Venue for improvised music and creative music pedagogy. Musical improvisation, as well as improvisation in the other arts – movement, theater etc. –, is the focus of our work here.

We offer a large range of weekend workshops, continuous courses and continuous ensembles. We organize concerts every two or three weeks presenting musicians from the international improvisation community.

Alongside, there is a number of sessions of improvisation, from the Open Stage to our Intercultural Music Pool, from the Offhandopera to our Impro Session U12 – many of them for free. Our library provides most of the specialist literature that has been written on the topic of improvisation. We offer accompanying events connecting theory and research with improvisatory practice.
How to get to exploratorium berlin:
U-Bhf. Gneisenaustr. (U7)

Zossener Straße 24
10961 Berlin


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Madame Claude
Madame CLAUDE is an underground bar set up in a former brothel based in the Kreuzberg-Schlesisches Tor district, well-known for its intense alternative nightlife. Created by three French people, friends from high school but settled in Paris, Madrid and London and decided to meet in Berlin, Madame CLAUDE is composed of a series of small rooms, intimate nooks and corridors resembling a labyrinth. To access the bar, the public must go through a wardrobe located in a disturbing living-room refering to David Lynch’s Twin Peaks red room. The “drinking & dining room” is totally upside down and literally defies the laws of gravity: the furniture is on the ceiling while mouldings and lights can be found on the floor. With live acts and/or DJs every night, music is the heart of the place.

Bar open from 19.00 till late... Events every night at 21.00

Monday: eXperimontag (live music experimentation, from avant-garde to noise)
Tuesday: Campfire Session (intimate live from antifolk to pop)
Wednesday: Music Quiz + Ping Pong
Thursday: Happy Price + Ping Pong
Friday & Saturday: selection of live acts and DJ
Sunday: Open Mic L.J. Fox (Open Stage)
How to get to Madame Claude:
U-Bahn Schlesisches Tor

Lübbener Straße 19
10997 Berlin


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Berlin’s artist-run venue for experimental music and sonic explorations hosting four concerts per week.

Sowieso was originally founded in Berlin-Neukölln in 2008. Since August 2021 it has been run by WieMusik e.V., a musician-led volunteer group.

For booking requests, see

Weisestraße 24
12049 Berlin Neukölln


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Club der Polnischen Versager
Der Club der Polnischen Versager hat eine Adresse: Ackerstrasse 169 in Berlin-Mitte. Doch der Club ist viel mehr als nur eine Location. Es ist eine Plattform für analoge Kommunikation, eine Versuchsanordnung für alle Willigen. Wir stellen den Spielkasten, den Sand und paar Spielzeuge. Der Rest hängt von Euch ab.

Gegründet in den 90ern, eröffnet am 01. September 2001 um 5:45 ist der Club der Polnischen Versager ein Zuhause für viele Berliner geworden. Es ist eine Berliner Institution, in der Polnischkenntnisse nicht nötig sind, manchmal sogar belastend.

Ackerstraße 168
10115 Berlin

Geöffnet, wenn die Tür nicht zu ist. Meistens aber freitags und samstags ab 20.00.


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The art- and project space WestGermany is committed to confront and integrate artspecific contexts with urban, social and aesthetic structures of the local environment. The space is a contradictory display meaning to touch different concepts of reality emerged by a cultural crossover of energy and progress, illusion and disillusion in the middle of one of Berlin´s most critical and paradigmatic spots of social life (Kreuzberg / Kottbusser Tor).

WestGermany´s headquarter is located in a smashed and ripped down doctor´s office. The conceptual choice and design of the location is related to the deconstructive avantgarde of the 70th and 80th in arts and theory (Matta-Clark/Metzel/Foucault/DeleuzeGuattari/Derrida..). From this point it is questioning and researching the relevant symptoms of society´s cracks and crumbles, collapses and changes and is to be conceived as a utopian-heterotopical site as well as an institution for contemporary arts and music. The label „WestGermany“ therefore provokingly symbolizes a fading FederalRepublicOfGermany-romanticism and memory/track between wistful retro-reverie, kitsch and current self-identification.

Skalitzer Straße 133
10999 Berlin

La Plaque Tournante
La Plaque Tournante is a non commercial artist space of 130m2 (ex praxis medical cabinet), located in Berlin (Neukölln) and ran by french composer Frédéric Acquaviva and english mezzo-soprano Loré Lixenberg. Every three months, there is an exhibition (avant-garde records, tapes, books, ephemera, manuscripts, drawings, paintings, sculptures, films, photographs, multiples, objects…) and (un)related international experimental events (concerts, performances…). The openings (“Tabulé Rasa” soirées) are free entry (“Create or Donate”).

Other concerts or soirées (contemporary music with Loré Lixenberg, etc…) will be periodically programmed, with or without any particular relation with the ongoing exhibitions focused on “art and writings” (lettrism…), “extended body” (body art, bio art, actionnismus…) and “books and sound” (sound poetry, experimental music…).

The focus will be put on contemporary experimental radical pieces, from sound art and sound installations to sound poetry performances, contemporary and acousmatic, electronic music. The opening soirée (august 6th, 2014) was dedicated to Edgar Varese and has hosted a Phill Niblock performance.
How to get to La Plaque Tournante:
U7 Rathaus Neukölln / M41-M29-104 (Erkstrasse)

Sonnenallee 99
12045 Berlin

free entry


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is an ongoing curatorial idea
and a research project
it is an aim
an antagonistic gesture
an open dialog
a happening
it is also a name
a derivat
it is a room
the room itself is hollow
a void
the question is does the room have a destine quality
it’s about non-sense and coincidence
context and constellation
it’s about momentum rather than categories
it is a changing arrest and an arrested change

Maybachufer 43
12047 Berlin


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A monthly series for new and experimental music at Tik Nord.

Every third wednesday of the month.

tik nord
Rigaerstraße 77
10247 Berlin


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LoopHole is a Berlin based event space that showcases all forms of art since 2008; offering an encompassing program that reflects the diverse range of artistic-practice today. Consider it a sandbox where artists can experiment their edge in front of a public.


Boddinstraße 60
12053 Berlin


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PAS - a creative space for art, culture and experiment on Spree

It’s open for different projects in field of art, design, architecture, dance, theater, performance, film and music.

Within our co-working space there will be upcoming workshops, lectures, readings, cultural events, art fairs and more. Something for everyone to get involved, see and indulge in.
Welcome and have inspiration from the river, light and relaxed atmosphere.
How to get to PAS:
Follow the sign!
Aufgang II
Behind the big chimney

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101
10553 Berlin
HH Aufgang II


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Kühlspot Social Club
Kühlspot Social Club ist ein Veranstaltungsort für kreative Musik, Theater, Kunst und Kultur in Berlin Weissensee. Wir betonen "Social" in unsere Perspektive an Kulture und versuchen einen wohl-tuende Community von Künstler und Kunst-Liebhaber zu fördern. In dem Musik Bereich stehen wir meistens auf improvisierte Musik, Jazz, Tanz Musik aller Art, inklusive improvisierte Tanz Musik, Tango, Balfolk, und immer live Musik. Im Lauf unseres Saison--spät Sommer und tief Winter pause--stellen wir ein bis drei Events pro Woche vor. Wir haben 2 bis 4 Kunst Austellungen pro Jahr und gelegentliche Tanz Parties. Performance Art, teatricalische Veranstaltungen, und Action Painting mit Improvisierte Musik sind auch ein teil des Spektrums unseres Programm. Der Raum hält bis zum 70 Personnen.

Das Kühlspot öffentliches Programm ist seit 2013 entstanden. Kühlspot ist das ehemalige Atelier des Berliner Künstlers Siegfried Kühl, der in Oktober 2016 starb. Der Leiter des Ort ist Christoph Kühl, auch Berliner Künstler. Mit Ausnahme von Austellungen von andere Künstler, Die Kunst von Siegfried Kühl ist dauerhaft ausgestellt und einer wesenhafte Teil der tolle Atmosphäre.

Lehderstraße 74-79
(HH links)
13086 Berlin

Hinterhaus Links


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KM28, the former Jolly Joker on Neukoelln´s Karl-Marx-Straße, is now a private concert and art space, organized by WEFT e.V.

Karl-Marx-Straße 28
12043 Berlin


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Au Topsi Pohl
Au Topsi Pohl is a place for weeklong series of music and performances.

In the welcoming atmosphere of a Bar, from Tuesday till Saturday (or so) you can listen to musicians, performers and artists presenting their ideas and inventions, drink wine (or so), meet people (or not).
You can warm up in the bar from 18:00 (or so).

Pohlstraße 64
10785 Berlin

Concerts start at 20:30


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Hošek Contemporary
Hošek Contemporary, established in 2016, is an art residency and gallery located on a boat in Berlin-Mitte. The gallery focuses primarily on performing arts, experimental sound installations and dance.

The gallery hosts weekly experimental music installations, providing musicians an opportunity to showcase their sound skills to a Berlin audience.

Märkisches Ufer 1z
10179 Berlin


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PANDA platforma
PANDA e. V. has been a non-profit association for over ten years in the small courtyard of the Kulturbrauerei – a central location for Berlin culture. Founded in 2000 as a Russian chamber theatre, the PANDA developed into an interdisciplinary art and culture platform with exhibitions, readings, concerts, political discussions, movie-nights and performances.

But PANDA also focuses on current political and social issues – in particular those in the former Soviet Union, such as the situation around the LGBT and gay scene in Russia, the Crimean annexation, the war in Ukraine, and so on. Meanwhile, PANDA has become not only the most important destination for cultural creators in the Russian-speaking community, but also a fixture of alternative art in Berlin.

Despite the great popularity amongst its audience, the PANDA was about to be wound up in summer 2018, as long-standing private sponsorship ended – for family reasons – and without it, it was not possible to cover the costs in the long term. Nevertheless, the team decided not to give up and, for the time being, to work without pay and without external help or staff. The PANDA was given a new lease on life using its own resources; a new concept was developed and we celebrated the reopening in autumn 2018. Today, PANDA is probably the only non-commercial institution in the Kulturbrauerei that does not receive state funding and exists only through the voluntary efforts of the PANDA team. With four to six events per week, this is a remarkable achievement.

Knaackstraße 97 (i.d. Kulturbrauerei
Gebäude 8)
10435 Berlin

Morphine Raum
Is an occasional provider of non-restricted creative output from a wide range of artists across the globe. Based in Berlin, curated by Rabih Beaini.

Founded by Morphine Records, Morphine Raum is a combination of a professional recording studio with live capacity and a project space for sound works and presentations.

Köpenicker Straße 147
10997 Berlin
(Hinterhof 1. Etage)

Hinterhof 1. Etage


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DIY series dedicated to the darkness, organs and experimental music.

Taborstraße 17
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg


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Born in 2011 somewhere in the core of Berlin Friedrichshain, Liebig12 is an Atelier & community oriented_initiative run by Allegra Solitude in collaboration with numerous and diverse local and international Actors. Inspired by empirical approaches, Liebig12 acts as a cross disciplinary laboratory encouraging the exchange between artists, curators, re#searchers, cultural activists & flaneurs. A work in progress Wunderkammer within a private & public identity, individual & collective, interacting with_in its surrounding social-urban context.
How to get to Liebig12:
Public transports: U5 + M21 + M10 > FrankfurterTor

Liebigstraße 12
10247 Berlin


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world in a room
Photography and experimental music in dialogue: Contemporary photographic art and experimental music are both well represented in Berlin, but rarely have points of contact. world in a room wants to enable exchange between both artistic disciplines and thus brings different types of art together for the audience.

The intimacy of the room, the special acoustics and the direct contact with the musicians make an impressive experience of this extraordinary music possible at world in a room.

The project room makes photography and sound - especially in times of virtual worlds - directly tangible again and sets an accent in real space.

Brunhildstraße 7
10829 Berlin


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The studio was built between 2009 and 2015. By now the studio has become a favored space for many artists and ensembles for rehearsing and recording acoustic music in Berlin. It has lively natural acoustics and its recording equipment is of outstanding quality.

Since 2012, studioboerne45 hosts concepts of doing – Festival Zeitgenössische Musik which focuses on the creative landscape between improvisation and composition.
How to get to studioboerne45:
Bus stop Antonplatz M4 (16 min. from Alexanderplatz), M13, Tram12,

S-Bahn 41/42 (Ringbahn) stop Greifswalderstraße (10 minutes walking distance)

Börnestraße 43/45
13086 Berlin


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Galiläakirche & Jugend [widerstands] Museum

Kulturort und Standort des Jugend-Widerstands-Museums // Cultural site and location of the Museum of Youth Resistance
(Ausstellung bis auf weiteres geschlossen derzeit im Umbau / The exhibition Youth Resistance in the GDR is currently closed being restored > more infos at

How to get to Galiläakirche:
U5-Frankfurter Tor, M10 und M21 Bersarinplatz

Rigaer Straße 9/10
10247 Berlin Friedrichshain

new venue in Wedding for presentation
of experimental art & music

Gerichtstraße 25

Laden links

13347 Berlin Wedding


> map

Raumschiff Zitrone
The Raumschiff Zitrone is actually a small independent cinema. Twice a month the room turns into a stage for contemporary improvised and experimental music.

The series of concerts is organised by Kai Fagaschinski and Christof Kurzmann. The focus of the series is on acoustic and electro-acoustic ensembles and solists exploring new aesthetic developments.

The room offers 35 seats, the stage is quite small (1,8 * 1,8 meters), but has a very nice and charming atmosphere.
Kai presents one or two acts per night.
Concerts are possible only on Fridays or, exceptionally, on Thursdays.

This list contains the names of the people who have performed at raumschiff zitrone up to this point.

If you want to perform at Raumschiff Zitrone you have to know it´s too late. The legendary Lemon House has closed its doors on October 20th, 2006. There are no further concerts. It´s over.

Kastanienallee 77
10435 Berlin

the doors open at 21:53
the show starts at 22:47
the cover is 5.- €
(raumschiff-musicians 2 1/2 €)

STRALAU 68 ist ein Ort für Probemöglichkeiten und Veranstaltungen nicht kommerzieller Musikprojekte. Eine gute Infrastruktur bietet optimale Möglichkeiten für das Präsentieren und Experimentieren unterschiedlicher Sparten wie zeitgenössischem Jazz, elektronischer Musik, neuer Musik und freier Improvisation.

Das Projekt stellt sowohl einen Bechstein Flügel zur Verfügung als auch einen zweiten für außergewöhnliche Präparationen. Dieses Projekt soll auch als Plattform für internationalen und interdisziplinären Kulturaustausch funktionieren. Auch bietet der Ort Möglichkeiten für Performances, Videokunst, Kleintheater, Tanz, Ausstellungen und Installationen an.

Unfortunately, STRALAU 68 has closed since september of 2007

Alt-Stralau 68
10245 Berlin

(030 / 2694 8691)

Zentrale Randlage

Zentrale Randlage e.V., Verein für zeitgenössische Medien und urbane Subkultur existed from May 2005 to October 2007. It hosted interdisciplinary projects and present international artists from various genres, styles, fields and backgrounds, including music, film, visual arts, readings and lectures and performing arts.

Curated by minimatika, the former monthly joint-venture show featured echtzeitmusik as well as contemporary composition, new music, improv, electronics and visual arts, e.g. VJs, video artists, light performers. joint-venture takes place every last Sunday of a month. Each artist listed on the bill played a short live set. A DJ presented some tunes inbetween the sets. In the end there was a jam session with the artists - and sometimes with members of the audience, too.

Additional concerts in these fields were listed on our website or in the echtzeitmusik agenda.

The special atmosphere of the venue, that used to be a canteen of an East German agricultural adminstration offices, and its warm sound offered an excellent setting for acoustic and electronic music.

Unfortunately, Zentrale Randlage is closed since September 2007 due to gentrifaction processes and property restitution.

Schönhauser Allee 172
10435 Berlin

alberto ukebana
alberto ukebana is a studio/working space in berlin-kreuzberg.

if you need a space for giving lessons, making rehearsals, screenings, presentations, art exhibitions, concerts, dance or theater pieces, photography sessions, or any other event or activity, contact us! tell us your ideas and your needs and we´ll find a way to make it possible.

Unfortunately alberto ukebana has closed since beginning of 2009
Thanks for your great work Diego

How to get to alberto ukebana:
U8 Schönleinstraße
U7 Herrmannplatz

2.HH, aufgang 5, 1.OG links

Urbanstraße 116
10967 Berlin

(2.HH, aufgang 5, 1.OG)

QUIET CUE * intermedia and cooperation
Quiet Cue is a non profit space for intermedia art, sound-centered performances and collaborative practice in Berlin.

Quiet Cue has been launched in December 2009, as a studio series adapted to the Staalplaat record store.
Since 2012, Quiet Cue has spatially expanded over a ground floor gallery space of 110 square meters.

International artists from all kinds of background and disciplines have since presented their work at Quiet Cue. Guests hailed from Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Japan, Siberia, Israel, Turkey, all over Europe, and all over North America.

Quiet Cue´s focus of activities is time-based art – generating friction between »new« and »traditional« formats – occasionally making use of current technologies, but not necessarily.

How to get to QUIET CUE * intermedia and cooperation:
U8 boddinstrasse
U7 rathaus neukoelln

Flughafenstraße 38
12053 Berlin Neukölln

NK is an artist run independent non-profit organization that is dedicated to Sound Arts.

This project entails a 5 year limited scope, our interest is not in becoming curators and or organizers but in taking part in the creation and support of a “culture”, with a focus on experimental music, which could be defined as unusual, strange, extreme and unique music that pushes against the boundaries or definitions of what is considered musical. To this end we organize public events that promote non-mainstream cultural production, and provide a platform for discussing paradigms in music and its problematics. As musicians working within this field we felt that there was a lack of spaces with a multi-faceted approach in Berlin. By Multifaceted we mean spaces that take into account not only the production of this kind of music but also the theoretical discourse that surrounds it. This kind of discourse takes place during workshops, artist presentations, and our weekly user meetings of Open Source Softwares such as SuperCollider and Pure Data where not only code but ideas and approaches are discussed. As a hybrid space, NK is a meeting point, that attempts to cover the gap between academic institutional spaces and the independent cultural agents of Berlin. We are open to proposals from event organizers and independent curators that fit our vision and expand it.

The general layout of NK is Onsite studios and a general purpose room for rehearsals, concerts, and workshops in a 500 square meter factory floor, situated at Elsenstr 52 in the Neukolln area of Berlin.
How to get to NK:
10 mins walk down Elsenstr from Treptower S-bahn, Buses 167, 104 stop Wildenbruch/ Harzer str,
10 mins walk from Rathaus Neukölln U7, Bus 167 Wildenbruch/ Harzer str,
U8 Hermannplatz, Bus 171 to Elsenstr./ Harzer.

Elsenstraße 52
12059 Berlin
(2nd backyard 2nd floor)


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Galerie Mario Mazzoli
Galerie Mario Mazzoli is a contemporary art gallery with a particular focus on Multimedia Arts and Contemporary Music.
Our space is specifically designed to host Sound and Video Works.

G.M.M. extends the concept of collecting art to works normally relegated to the ambit of concert music; we include acoustic and electroacoustic compositions in our catalogue, in the form of original scores with recordings.

Beyond the regular vernissages, our Berlin location will host music talks and concerts. Please check the "events" section for more information.

Potsdamer Straße 132
10783 Berlin


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Located in the Neukölln district in Berlin, the galery –able promotes the work of artists from a wide range of areas of contemporary culture, and seeks to contribute to the development of cultural activities in the neighbourhood.

Two ideas are at the base of the project : first, to open a space which allows young creators to exhibit their work, and then to invite the public to meet the artists and discover their latest creations at specific events.

Through a program of regularly changing exhibitions and the organisation of multiple cultural events (film screenings, performances, concerts, lectures, etc), the space favours a wide range of research, practices and procedures.
-able seeks an innovative approach to the artist’s work not only by offering him/her a space for presentation, but also by giving the artist the possibility to get involved in the organisation of the exhibition itself. In parallel, the artist is invited to discover the creations of other artists working in different artistic domains which may influence or inspire him/her, and which are likely to find interest in his/her own field of research.

-able thereby seeks to establish itself as an experimental space favoring multidisciplinarity and the creation of relationships between different artistic domains.

Hobrechtstraße 28
12047 Berlin Neukölln


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Altes Finanzamt
Altes Finanzamt is project of a collective of 9 artists with a wide variety of artistic and academic backgrounds. It is located in Schönstedtstraße 7, in Neukölln (Berlin), in what used to be the tax department of this district.

This atelier is a space for experimentation of new formats, a platform for communication between different media, art forms and academic fields. It is a supportive mechanism for artists and thinkers to connect their work, create new platforms, interact with existing ones.
How to get to Altes Finanzamt:
access through the yard
U7, Rathaus Neukölln

Schönstedtstraße 7
12043 Berlin


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Naherholung Sternchen
Naherholung Sternchen is a new ArtSpace in the heart of Berlin.
The venue is a former kiez-lokal (neighbourhood bar), and was also used as a political meeting room during the GDR period. We have revived this abandoned space and have created a special place for inspiration, relaxation and collective pleasure.
How to get to Naherholung Sternchen:
Ubhf- Schillingstraße
hinter Kino International / Rathaus Mitte

Berolinastraße 7
10178 Berlin


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Bei Roy
Since march 2011, Ohrengala is a regular experimental serie organised at Bei Roy and curated by CoCo.

The main idea of the series was to bring a wide spectrum of musicians and sound concepts in a monthly event mixture of electroacoustic, conceptual improvisation and noise music...

Bei Roy is not the typical venue only for experimental music. It is a chance to offer interested people this form of music in a hopefully good way.

After an invitation to join the series as collaborators in february 2012, Julian Bonequi and Audition supported the Ohrengala series as promoters and associated curators.

Ziegrastraße 13
12057 Berlin

Doors open 21:00 | Concert start 22:00


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Studio 8
Studio 8 is a cocktail bar and venue for music, readings, films, and small exhibitions in the neighborhood of Wedding.

There is an ongoing series of concerts occurring only on Sundays, and occasional other random events.

It was founded by artists and musicians in 2012, and is operated by a loose collective of the same.

Grüntaler Straße 8
13357 Berlin


SPEKTRUM is a space of convergence for cultural communities and transdisciplinary groups emerging and operating in and off Berlin. The project aims to bring confrontation, open knowledge and a platforms for idealisation, realisation and presentation of technology-based artworks, science-focused events and futuristic utopias based on the principle “do-it-together-with-others”. Above all, we are an open space promoting participatory processes to co-define and co-design a social and physical playground for curiosity and critical understanding.

The venue is part of a monumental architecture in the heart of Kreuzberg/Neukölln realised by Franz Hoffmann and Bruno Taut, one of the main expressionist architects of the modernist period. The inner space is characterised by a multi-layered approach to heights, with an unusual 5 meter high ceiling for the event room and other sections organised as split-levels. These architectural qualities tell us a story of planes and volumes, offering guests a surprising walk around with secret spots to discover.

Bürknerstraße 12
12047 Berlin


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The Greenhouse, characterized by its green exterior and a large circular tower, is a multicultural and multi-disciplinary environment, with more than 100 artists’ studios, dedicated to different forms of arts, design and multimedia. The 7th and 8th floor of the Greenhouse offers three open spaces with a total of over 1000 sqm, hosting various curatorial projects, concerts, conferences, performances, presentations and workshops.

How to get to Greenhouse:
The 8 storey building is located in the south of Berlin, on the A100 (Gradestraße), near the former Tempelhof Airport. It’s also easily accessible via public transport (Bus M46 from Zoologischer Garten, Bus 277 from S-Bahn/U8 Hermannstraße, Bus 170 from U9 Rathaus Steglitz/U6 Ullsteinstraße). Schönefeld Airport can be reached in 15 minutes by car.

Gottlieb-Dunkel-Straße 43/44
12099 Berlin